Students working to build successful horseshoeing practices.

A Horseshoeing Practice Business Plan Part 1

If you want a successful horseshoeing practice, you have to start with the way you see yourself. Imagine a giant hall. Every important person in your life is there. At the end of the hall, there's a stage with a big wooden box. You're in that box because you're dead.

A pre-recorded message from you starts playing over a loudspeaker, telling these people what kind of person you want to be remembered as. How do you want to be remembered?

Last week, you asked yourself what kind of person you wanted to be and what kind of life you wanted to have. Going through that exercise is essential. You have to develop a picture of how you want your life to feel, and who you want to be. This is your primary aim in life.

Your primary aim is not a list of things you want to do, places you want to go, or things that you want to own. It's a picture that will allow you to grow to your fullest potential and fulfill the goals that you set for yourself.

We often become envious of wealthy people because of their freedom. They don't have to mow their own lawn, load their own hay, or do day to day chores like dishes and vacuuming. If freedom from these things is important to you, it should be in your primary aim.

Strategic Objective

Once you nail down your primary aim, you have to plan how you'll get there. A strategic objective is a clear statement of how your business will help you achieve your primary aim. It's a roadmap that tells you where you are, where you've been, where you're going, and how much further you have to go to achieve your destination.

Your strategic objective is a list of standards for measuring your progress towards a specific end. That's why certifications are so vital to a lot of people. They use them to measure their success within their profession. Having a list of standards makes sure that you invest in your farrier practice, and that it produces what you want out of it.

Walking away after 30 years of shoeing horses broken and tired is not a successful life. Having a primary aim, and using your farrier practice as part of your strategic objective gives you a plan. Your shoeing practice becomes a means rather than an end to a life that you want.

Horseshoeing becomes a way to enrich your life instead of sucking the life out of you. So next week, I'm going to elaborate on some of this we're going to go into some examples of business plans used by successful horseshoeing practices. Make sure to come back to learn more and if you're ready. Apply Now